Dear HarmonySite administrator,
Many people have asked where they can access emails sent from their HarmonySite website. The answer has always been (and likely always will be) that HarmonySite does not store sent emails. This is because we simply don't have the storage space on our servers to hold the many thousands of archived emails that would be sent from all the HarmonySites in the world every day, 99% of which would never be looked at by anyone.
Instead, we have a new configuration option for your HarmonySite which may resolve this problem for many of you, called "Email address to receive BCC copy of ALL emails sent via website". Any email address you enter there will be BCC'd on EVERY email sent via the website (by anyone), including automatic notification emails.
To find this new field and add an email address to it:
- Ensure you're logged in with Webmaster access
- Click the little "cog" icon in the top-right corner of the site
- Click the cog icon next to "HarmonySite"
- Click the "Configuration" tab
- Scroll down to the "Miscellaneous" section, and you'll see the new configuration option
- Enter an email address, and click "Save" at the bottom of the page.
- Something like a Gmail address would be ideal for this. Emails stored in a Gmail account can be accessed from anywhere in the world, and Gmail offers something like 15 Gigabytes of email storage space for free for every Gmail account, which is space to store many thousands of emails.
- This is ONLY for emails sent via the WEBSITE. If you send an email via your own email program (Outlook, Mac Mail, Gmail, Hotmail, etc), then NO COPY of that email will be automatically copied to the email address you enter into that field, not even if you send it to one of your group's "official" email addresses. Further, If you send an email from your own email program to one of your HarmonySite's MAILING LISTS, and that email is then distributed to all the people on that mailing list, the email address you configured to receive BCC copies will NOT get a copy of that email, because it was not sent via the website. If you want emails that are sent to your HarmonySite mailing lists from regular email programs to be BCC'd to this special email address, then you'll need to manually subscribe that email address to each mailing list.
- You cannot use an email address here that is hosted on the HarmonySite server (i.e. an email address that's part of the same domain name as your website). You should use something like a Gmail address.
I hope this is useful for many of you.
Mark Virtue
+61 2 8005 4277
Skype name: mvirtue